I was recently featured in this article by Aegina Portal about my painting exhibition in Aegina Town! I spoke a little Greek so it was difficult but a nice experience. Thank you to my friends Takis and Theodora at Rico Blings for showcasing my paintings in their shop and Aegina Portal for making this video 🙏💙
You can view the article here.
It's been so rewarding to collaborate with people here in Aegina and to share my work in person. I'm hoping to sell paintings, of course, but I'm also interested in using my work to do other things. If this painting exhibition in Aegina helps drive traffic and purchases at Rico Blings I will be happy. Also, if I can share some of the hidden areas of Aegina that I have discovered which are depicted in the paintings there that would be nice as well.
All of the paintings are available through my online shop.
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